The newest version 11.16.0 update was released for your 3DS and with it we have tested all of the R4 cards to ensure that they continue to work. The update release notes state that it is to imp ...
Great news today for all of TI99/4a owners. DS994a is a TI99/4a emulator for the Nintendo 3DS, DS Lite and DSi. You'll need an R4 3DS card or R4 3DS Dual Core card in order to use this (a ...
Playing your old favorite Atari games brings back many memories. Now take those memories and imagine that you have a portable Atari 7800 system. That is what the A7800DS will do. Yo ...
We have covered the popular Lameboy Gameboy and Game boy Color emulator for the Nintendo 3DS before, and we still think that it is a good little emulator, though it could use some serious updates. &n ...
Today marks another 3DS system software application upgrade. Pushing the newest version to 11.15.0 for your favored handheld system. The update release notes state that it is to improve stabili ...
There has always been a lot of talk about being able to play homebrew games, and just as importantly, emulators on the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSI and now the new Nintendo 3DS Console. Thankfully ...
The R4i Gold Pro is one of the most popular 3DS / 2DS Flashcarts on the market today, and for good reason. It is one of the easiest cards to use and continues to be one of the most affordable R ...
Lode Runner is one of those games that just won't go away.... and that is a good thing. It was originally published way back in 1983, after sending it for a second time to Broderbund and severa ...
Today marks another 3DS system software application upgrade. Pushing the newest version to 11.14.0 for your favored handheld system. While the 11.13 was pressed out mostly for European gaming console ...
Zosya Entertainment has actually launched some extremely decent ZX Range of video games with the last number of years, as not only did we have The Dark Redux, Wander! and also Valley of Rains to deli ...
A very common question that we get asked is whether or not your 3DS can be bricked by using an R4 Card or an R4 3DS card. The truth of the matter is that no r4 card, not even an R4 ...