The Modbo 4.0 Modchip compatible with PlayStation 2 enables you to play backups of your games on CD, DVD or DVD-9. The Modchips is compatible with all PlayStation 2 models with a version number between V5 and V16. If you want to find out what PS2 version you currently own you should check out the guide on how to identify your console version. The Modbo 4.0 is fully supported and currently manufactured alternative to other PS2 Modchips offering the exact same features. Please note that basic soldering skills are required in order to install the Modbo 4.0 Modchip. You can find all required information about the installation under our „Downlodas & Tutorials“ section tab.
Besides the possibility to play backups of PlayStation 2 games Modbo 4.0 also enables you to play imports from PS2 and PS1 games. Imports play with the original resolution and also use the right colors. If you want to go online you can choose to use the stealth mode of the Modbo 4.0 in order to hide the modchip and don’t risk a ban from the online services. Modbo also turns your PlayStation 2 into a full-fledged region free DVD Player that also has a disabled Macrovision protection. There is also the „green fix“, so you won’t have to change die AV-Cables. The Modchip works on all regional versions of the PS2 (V5 to V16).
The Modbo 4.0 Modchips also offers several stability features which for example keep the chip from overheating thanks to the sleep mode or a long lifetime thanks to quality components.
Please Note: The production of PlayStation 2 Modchips is getting smaller and smaller by the month. We try to still keep stock but we can’t guarantee that this chip will still be available in a few months from now. If you are interessted in this product we recommend you to buy it sooner then later.
Package Contents:
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